Pallia-Vie is a house of palliative care in Rivière-du-Nord operating with the support of Pallia-Vie foundation which is committed to raising funds that will serve for Rivière-du-Nord palliative care house.
All services provided at the palliative care house are offered freely, from specialized nursing and medical care to food service as well as single room accommodation.
If the palliative care house makes a difference with their patients and families, it is because it can rely on a dedicated team and qualified volunteers, who share the same passion and values and devote themselves wholeheartedly. The house team is composed of doctors, nurses, auxiliary nurses, beneficiary attendants, a psychologist, professionals and volunteers. The administrative and maintenance personnel complete the house’s solid team which works with a common objective; providing optimal care for end-of-life patients, alleviating pain and supporting their loved ones.
Overall patient care is undertaken by the house team whose focus and best efforts are aimed at meeting every patient and loved ones’ needs.
For a donation: http://pallia-vie.ca/faire-un-don/